You have to be clear about what you want out of life in order to make the most of it.
Commonplace helps you form a personal vision that you can use as a framework for making every decision in your life. If you know what you want then making the right decisions to get there becomes much easier.
You’ll use the 10/5/1/1 vision board, inspired by the 1/5/10 planasy by M.J. DeMarco, to describe what you want your life to be like 10 years from now, 5 years from now and 1 year from now. Then you plan what you need to do this month to make a step towards your vision.
You can then use Reminders and Trackers to make sure you stick to the plan.
If you want more details about the 1/5/10 planasy, then I recommend reading the book 'Unscripted: The Great Rat Race Escape' by M.J. Demarco. The 1/5/10 planasy is described in strategy 12, page 66 in the first edition.